What insurance covers are available? v

As independent professional Insurance Brokers, we are able to help you cover the vast majority of risks associated with the running of your business and also associated personal risks too such as the insurance for your private house, family car(s) etc. There are some risks that are sometimes uninsurable but these tend to be risks that would be against public policy (i.e. criminal or fraudulent activity) or where the risk is so high that the cost of insuring it would be prohibitive. These are rare and at Walmsleys Commercial, we seek to endeavour to find a solution to even the biggest insurance problems.

Visit our Insurance glossary for the cover that are available.

Commercial Combined v

A package policy that covers your business assets and employers, public and products liability exposures with optional sections that can also be included such as Business Interruption, Money, Goods in Transit, All Risks – Equipment away from the premises, Legal Expenses and Engineering Breakdown.

Commercial Vehicle v

A policy providing cover for the insurance of goods-carrying vehicles, buses and coaches, agricultural and forestry vehicles, mobile plant and other special types. Policies can usually be extended to also include cover for tools and equipment kept within the vehicle.

Combined Liability v

A policy covering 2 or more liability risks – Employers Liability, Public Liability &/or Products Liability

Contractors All Risks v

A package policy specifically aimed at contractors of any kind. As well as cover for your liability exposures (Employers, Public & Products), the policy will also provide optional cover for the contract works and site materials, site huts, own plant, hired in plant, contents of show houses and other relevant exposures on site.

Directors & Officers/Pension Trustees Liability/Employment Practice Liability v

Covers directors, officers and any people in managerial or supervisory roles for losses arising from claims against them by reason of a wrongful act related to their duties. Wrongful Acts could be employment related, financial or statutory obligations – basically anything that you could get sued for as long as it is not in relation to a criminal act.

Engineering v

Insurance of plant under one of four main headings: boilers and pressure plant; engine plant; electrical and mechanical plant; and lifting machinery. In addition statutory and non-statutory inspection services can be provided. The insurances cover self-damage, damage to surrounding property, third party risks and engineering interruption insurance. Also, cover can be provided for deterioration of stock, computer risks, contractors’ plant and machinery erection and other miscellaneous insurances. The principal risks against which insurance is sought are explosion and collapse, breakdown, sudden and unforeseen physical damage, fragmentation risk/fragmentation policy (impact damage cover) and extraneous causes.

Group Personal Accident &/or Business Travel v

A group policy that can be taken out to cover death and other benefits for all or specific levels of employees. An accidents only policy pays lump sum benefits following permanent total or partial disablement, dismemberment or death caused by an accident and weekly benefits for temporary total disablement. Hazardous pursuits (e.g. mountaineering) are sometimes excluded but can usually be bought back. A weekly/monthly benefit can be added for total disablement through sickness – a personal accident and sickness policy. Similar cover is also available for business travel cover with optional additional benefits to cover medical expenses, cancellation and other travel risks. Business travel can be purchased as an additional section on a Group PA policy or in isolation.

Hauliers Liability v

Covers liability for loss or damage to customers’ goods. Policies are rated on annual haulage charges. The rate varies according to the conditions of carriage.

Marine Transit v

Provides cover for loss of or damage to goods whilst in transit and in storage during the normal course of transit, including imports, exports, inland transits, loading and unloading, and returned goods on a worldwide basis. Goods can be raw materials and/or finished goods and claims are paid based on the value of the goods, rather than weight, subject to the policy limits specified.

Motor Fleet v

A multi vehicle policy covering 3 or more vehicles on the same policy. Open driving for all drivers is usually provided rather than named drivers although the policy can be done on a named driver basis if required for a reduced premium. Temporary additional vehicles can be included easily and all vehicles have full business use by all drivers if required. Please refer to our sister site www.fleetcover.co.uk for more information.

Motor Trade v

A package policy to cover all the risks associated with businesses in the Motor Trade sector. Cover is available to insure your buildings, contents, tools, own and customer’s vehicles, business interruption, money and wrongful conversion, goods and vehicles in transit, employers and public liability including defective workmanship/service indemnity, engineering breakdown, statutory inspection and road risks. Please refer to our sister site www.garagecover.co.uk for more information.

Package policies – Shops, Offices, Surgeries, Hotels, Restaurants, Public Houses v

Bespoke package policies catering for the needs of these businesses. As well as providing cover for your business assets such as buildings, contents and stock, the policy extends to automatically include additional covers for employers, public and products liability, business interruption, money, goods in transit and other covers specifically linked to the trade (i.e. Loss of Licence).

Property Owners & Investors v

Specialist policy aimed at Property owners &/or Investors. Cover is provided for buildings, contents of common parts, other contents, where needed, loss of rent and property owners liability. Insurers normally automatically provide additional covers to cater for the needs of property owners such as temporary alternative accommodation, damage to landscaped grounds and others.

Professional Indemnity v

A policy protecting ‘professionals’ against civil liability arising from a breach of professional duty subject to an annual aggregate limit. Insured’s own costs are covered in addition. Extensions include loss of documents cover.


It’s finally here: insurance specifically for the UK’s craft industry! CraftCover can provide the cover you need to sell your crafts with confidence.



A UK leader in motor trade insurance, Garagecover’s specialists can help to reduce your renewal quote by up to 14% on average.



Brewcover is an insurance policy geared specifically towards the UK brewing industry. With us, you can relax and concentrate on the really important stuff – brewing!



Our in-depth knowledge of the automotive industry makes Partscover a comprehensive insurance policy with a very competitive price point.